Saturday, November 6, 2010

Hellooooo Blogging World!

I know, I know! I am horrible at updating, but I've just been so busy it's been hard to really find the time to update. Well lets see.. what have I been up to?

Well.. my husband decided to take a trip to Canada for 20 days. Which was great for him because he picked up some work, plus we got to spend a little time away from each other (and you know as they say absences makes the heart grow fonder!).

I repainted my whole house minus the babies rooms. It's not really white, but it wasn't the beige color I was going for. It's not exactly an egg shell color (though the finish is),but it's not white which the husband gave me strict instructions not to paint the house hospital white.

I redecorated though, I'm still in the processes of decorating, I've just bought a few things here and there. One wall happens to have one of my favorite quotes on it : "Life isn't measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."

My 14 month old is now running, so it's been a really crazy trying to run behind him and pick up his mess. I mean at this point what one year old isn't messy? But mine feels to be the messiest (or it could just be me??), talk about a total tornado of destruction, and other little shenanigans my son might possibly get into. That and I've doubled my work. For I'm sure when my daughter gets to this stage of life it'll be just as bad or very possible to much much worse. Speaking of my daughter, took her in for her one month check-up she weighed 8 pounds 14 ounces and was 23 inches tall. Yet again another very tall child, I guess it's my place in life to be shorter than everyone else in my family?? Oh well.

I had a recent surgery to remove a mass in my right breast. I went back to the doctor this week, and everything is looking great! I'm healing very well, and my doctor is very happy about the results.

And lots of other things have just completely kept me super busy. But all is well in my world, so be sure to look for updates, pictures, and other things from me!

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