Sunday, December 26, 2010

Tis The Season To Be Jolly!

Dear blog, how I neglect you so...

I have been trying to update but when ever I find reasonable time to I always manage to get sidetracked somehow.

I have been feeling like a Scrooge despite everything, Christmas just doesn't do justice for me anymore at the moment since both of my parents passed away. I will eventually zap out of this funk, but my heart still aches for them, specially for my children. Unbeknownst to them of all the wonderful family traditions that use to be, but alas I can start my own family traditions full of new joys and laughter.

We(the children and I -Jeff, unfortunately was working) spent Christmas Eve with my DH's father and step-mother Sherry, along with her brood of three four. We dinned on salmon, mashed potatoes, salad, and spinach maria. Graham approved of the mashed potatoes, so there were no questions of their quality.

Seen here by his mashed potato mustache:

We ate our delicious food, and some of us managed to get it all over the place. We sat and talked for a bit waiting on another guest to arrive. Then we opened presents! I was actually really excited about this years Christmas because I thought Graham would LOVE to open the wrapped presents since he loves to rip paper to much (going by the countless times I have purchased magazines and am unable to read once I get home due to Mr. Sneaky-bum taking them and then shredding them when I am not looking). I was stuck doing the unwrapping again, and Graham was only interested in them until after the goodies were reviled. 


We woke up Christmas morning to find a breath taking surprise! It has snowed during the night, which left us with a very WHITE Christmas this year. It hasn't snowed on Christmas in the town of Tennessee I am located at in a very long time. The last I remember us having one I think I was in the seventh or eighth grade, maybe even before that?..I am unsure. But I did dress Graham up and took him outside to play in for a bit Even little miss Chloe Grey got into the action:

This years snow picture 

Last years snow picture

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