Monday, December 20, 2010


It may be a white Christmas after all, it's snowing in my little old town in Tennessee!  Though it is pretty I do have to say I really hate driving in it. I had to go pick up my babies from their Ni's house. Driving back home I actually went 45 on a state highway (10 under the actual speeding limit)! I sent my husband to restock our fridge (it has been awfully barren these last few days)  but there is a fat chance that he will be coming home soon. Most Tennesseeans thinks of the snow as a sign the world is going to end and always flood the stores in ramped craziness. It really is ridiculous about how people act in the store sometimes.  I am just thankful my wonderful hubby went out of his way to get us groceries!

Also i found these super cute cute CUTE sugar cookies! Thought I would share!

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